Hemingway Wasn’t Very Nice, but he was Pretty Smart Though

Choosing a blog name is hard. I’ve aggravated my friends with catchy and alliterative phrases so much in the last month that I was beginning to get on my own nerves. I’ve known all along what I wanted to do with this blog, the kinds of stories I want to tell you, but I had the hardest time capturing that idea in a clever little blog title. So I finally consulted the experts, to remind myself what they have to say about writing and life or maybe even the two combined. I read Shakespeare quotes and Whitman quotes until I was sure no one had yet captured the sentiment I want for this blog. And then I read Hemingway. If you’ve never, please do. The man had a way with words he did. From what I understand, he was more faithful to words than he ever was to his poor wife, but I try not to think about his scandalous ways because I don’t want them to taint my love for his writing. And more importantly, my love for how well he summed up into one beautiful line my hope for this little blog of mine. He said, “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Life is hard, y’all. Can I get an amen??! It is. And not just my life, but everybody’s. Think about your life right now. Do you or someone close to you have a serious struggle going on? I’d be willing to bet every one of you said yes to that question. That’s life. That’s the world. It breaks us. Some of us over and over and over again. That’s certainly been my experience. I took my first breaths with both of my feet turned completely inward. A birth defect. Broken place number one. And there may not be enough blog space in the world to figure out what number I’m on now. From a severely broken childhood home and child abuse to an equally broken marriage and divorce. From several family suicides to a family tree full of cancer. From watching my Daddy die to watching my babies struggle to survive.Β  And that’s just off the top of my head. I’ve probably been there and most likely done that, either in my own life or in someone’s close to me. But I’m not special. I imagine every one of you can identify with at least one of the things I mentioned, probably more. Life is hard. Yes, Mr. Hemingway, the world indeed breaks everyone. But the breaks are not what’s important; it’s how we handle them that counts. My Momma taught me to be strong in the broken places. She taught me where to find never-ending strength in the broken places. And that has made all the difference in my life. I’m not an expert and I won’t pretend to be. But my cup is almost always half full and I’m always willing to share, especially if sharing will help someone else heal or maybe make them feel a little less alone in their broken place. Sometimes the strength lies in knowing someone else has been to that same place and come out alive. If you know just what I mean, you might like this blog. God has generously given me a love of writing and plenty of stories to tell. Welcome to my broken places.

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11 Responses to Hemingway Wasn’t Very Nice, but he was Pretty Smart Though

  1. Candace says:

    Proud of you my friend! Awesome first blog. Can’t wait to read more stories. If they’re anything like some of our conversations, we’re in for a treat…. laughs, tears, more laughs πŸ™‚ love you, strongest-person-I-know.

  2. Lee says:

    When you said you consulted the experts, I thought you were going to say your children! I like the name and I am glad you gave us the reference to Hemmingway. I think I will thoroughly enjoy reading about how we are all broken some way or another and your positive and God-centered perspective of living with brokenness. Thanks for starting this blog.

  3. Cheryl Robinson says:

    I love this! Will I get notifications of updates like on CB so I know to look? ( I’m new at blogs!).
    Love y’all!!

  4. Christine says:

    Love the name, and look forwarded to following your stories through your blog!

  5. sonya tracey says:

    You get an AMEN from me- thank you for your words!!! ya’ll r always in my thoughts and prayers

  6. ccmay says:

    Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement, everybody! And Ms. Cheryl, if you click “Follow” in the lower right-hand corner, Word Press will send you an email every time I publish a new post. Other than that, I’m not familiar enough with it yet to know how to get updates. Hope that works for what you’re wanting. Thanks for reading! πŸ™‚

  7. I’m already a fan of this blog, and of you!! Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  8. Cathie Lacoste Oggs says:

    Christy, you are a beautiful writer, you are a beautiful person, and you are a wonderful mother. Thank you for letting us get to know you and your stories. We will all be the better for it.

  9. Cindy says:

    All I can say is, wow! You are an amazing writer. I can’t wait to read more of your blog. I’ve got some catching up to do. God love ya..your words will fill many people’s broken places with hope.
    Thank you for sharing your blog with me.

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